Ljerka Dulibić, Iva Pasini Tržec, Akvizicije Društva prijatelja Strossmayerove galerije (1928-1947), u: imago, imaginatio, imaginabile. Zbornik u čast Zvonku Makoviću, ur. Dragan Damjanović, Lovorka Magaš Bilandžić, Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 2018., str. 281-301
Ljerka Dulibić, Iva Pasini Tržec, The Long Lives of Transferred Museum Objects: The Exchange of Paintings from the Strossmayer Gallery (Zagreb) for the Baptismal Font from the Museo Correr (Venice) in 1942, u: Dragan Damjanović, Lovorka Magaš Bilandžić, Željka Miklošević, Jeremy F. Walton (ur.), Art and Politics in the Modern Period, Zagreb, 2019., str. 201-211
Ljerka Dulibić, Iva Pasini Tržec, Transferi umjetnina i vlasništva umjetničkih zbirki u Zagrebu prije, tijekom i nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, u: Drago Roksandić (ur.), Društvo, kultura, svakodnevica. Znanstveni skup s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem Desničini susreti 2018., Zagreb, 2019., str. 195-208
Ljerka Dulibić, Ivan Ferenčak, Iva Pasini Tržec, Borivoj Popovčak, Odabrana djela iz donacije Ante Topića Mimare Strossmayerovoj galeriji starih majstora HAZU, Zagreb, 2018.
Ljerka Dulibić, Iva Pasini Tržec, The Strossmayer Gallery - Museo Correr 1942 Exchange, TransCultAA online exhibition 2017, Project Website (https://www.transcultaa.eu/) https://exhibit1.transcultaa.eu/
Ljerka Dulibić, Iva Pasini Tržec, Diplomatic Gift-Giving in the Age of Fascism – the Case of The Independent State of Croatia, TransCultAA online exhibition 2018, Project Website (https://www.transcultaa.eu/) https://exhibit2.transcultaa.eu/
Ljerka Dulibić, Iva Pasini Tržec, Ivan Ferenčak, Bartol Fabijanić, TransCultAA istraživanja u Strossmayerovoj galeriji, Strossmayerova galerija starih majstora, 24. rujna – 27. listopada 2019.
Ljerka Dulibić, Tracing the Transfer of Cultural Objects. Challenging the Burdens of the Past, College Art Association’s (CAA) 105th Annual Conference, New York, 2017.
Ljerka Dulibić, Projekat "Prenos kulturnih dobara u Alpe-Adria regionu u XX veku", Dani nasleđa, Niš, 2017.
Ivan Ferenčak, Ante Topić Mimara’s donation to the Strossmayer Gallery, Fall meeting of the Arbeitskreis für Provenienzforschung e.V., Beč, 2017.
Ljerka Dulibić, Presentation of Croatian Research Agenda, Fall meeting of the Arbeitskreis für Provenienzforschung e.V., Beč, 2017.
Ivan Ferenčak, From Berlin to Zagreb: Paintings from the Donation of Ante Topić Mimara to the Strossmayer Gallery of Old Master, IV. Internationales Doktorandenforum Kunstgeschichte des östlichen Europas Berlin / IV International Forum for Doctoral Candidates in East European Art History Berlin, Berlin, 2017.
Iva Pasini Tržec, Ljerka Dulibić, Verifying a New Fascist Regime through Spectacular Diplomatic Gifting – the Case of Independent State of Croatia, The American Comparative Literature Association's (ACLA) Annual Meeting, Utrecht, 2017.
Iva Pasini Tržec, Contentious Musealisation Process(es) of Jewish Art Collections in Croatia, The Transfer of Jewish-owned Cultural Objects in the Alpe Adria Region, Lucca, 2017.
Ivan Ferenčak, The donation of artworks by Ante Topić Mimara to the Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters, TransCultAA International Workshop, Ljubljana, 2017.
Iva Pasini Tržec, “Private Collections of Public Interest” in Zagreb and Their Destiny under Socialism, Dispossessions of Cultural Objects between 1914 and 1989/1991: The Alpe Adria Region in Comparative Perspectives, Ljubljana, 2018.
Ivan Ferenčak, From German Art Market to the Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters in Zagreb: Paintings from Ante Topić Mimara's Donation, Dispossessions of Cultural Objects between 1914 and 1989/1991: The Alpe Adria Region in Comparative Perspectives, Ljubljana, 2018.
Ivan Ferenčak, Auction Catalogues as Source for Provenance Research: Artworks from Mimara’s Donation to the Strossmayer Gallery of Old Masters in Zagreb, Summer School "Provenance, why does it matter? Provenance, Dispossession and Translocation Research", Zadar, 2018.
Iva Pasini Tržec, Redistribution of cultural objects in Yugoslavia after 1945, Summer School "Provenance, why does it matter? Provenance, Dispossession and Translocation Research", Zadar, 2018.
Iva Pasini Tržec, Implementation of legal regulations for the protection of cultural objects in the Independent State of Croatia (1941-1945), Cultural Heritage as Symbolic Capital: Transnational Archival Research, Udine, 2018.
Ljerka Dulibić, Museum objects as diplomatic gifts, Cultural Heritage as Symbolic Capital: Transnational Archival Research, Udine, 2018.
Ljerka Dulibić, Iva Pasini Tržec, Transferi umjetnina i vlasništva umjetničkih zbirki u Zagrebu prije, tijekom i nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, Desničini susreti, Zagreb 1924.-1930. i 1945.-1967. Društvo, kultura, svakodnevica, Zagreb, 2018.
Ivan Ferenčak, Materijalni tragovi na poleđinama slika iz donacije Ante Topića Mimare Strossmayerovoj galeriji starih majstora HAZU, XVI. Dani Cvita Fiskovića: Materijalnost umjetničkog djela, Rab, 2018.
Iva Pasini Tržec, Zakonski propisi kao osnova za razvlašćivanje umjetnina – odabrani primjeri, Provenienca, transferji in lastništvo umetnin. Sodobni izzivi za raziskovalce in lastnike. 8. posvet slovenskih umetnostnih zgodovinarjev, Maribor, 2018.
Ljerka Dulibić, Jugoslavensko međuratno umjetničko tržište, Provenienca, transferji in lastništvo umetnin. Sodobni izzivi za raziskovalce in lastnike. 8. posvet slovenskih umetnostnih zgodovinarjev, Maribor, 2018.
Bartol Fabijanić, Transferi slika ljubljanskog slikara Joannesa Eisenharta s oltarnih ciklusa Blažene Djevice Marije i sv. Ladislava iz stare Zagrebačke katedrale, Provenienca, transferji in lastništvo umetnin. Sodobni izzivi za raziskovalce in lastnike. 8. posvet slovenskih umetnostnih zgodovinarjev, Maribor, 2018.
Ljerka Dulibić, Trasferimenti delle opere d'arte tra Trieste, Istria e Dalmazia 1850-1950 attraverso le ricerche del progetto TransCultAA, La conservazione dei monumenti a Trieste, Istria, e Dalmazia 1850-1950, Trst, 2018.
Ljerka Dulibić, Ruth von dem Bussche, Zajedničko istraživanje provenijencije – istraživačka infrastruktura projekta TransCultAA / Collaborative provenance research – the TransCultAA research infrastructure, 8. festival hrvatskih digitalizacijskih projekata, Zagreb, 2018.
Iva Pasini Tržec, Ljerka Dulibić, Process(es) of Musealization of Dispossessed Artworks during and after the Second World War in Croatia, International Conference of the HERA Project, München, 2019.
Iva Pasini Tržec, Dispossessions of Jewish Art Collections in Croatia before and after 1945, International Conference of the HERA Project, München, 2019.
Ivan Ferenčak, Ante Topić Mimara’s Multifaceted Roles in Transferring Artworks across Borders, International Conference of the HERA Project, München, 2019.
Iva Pasini Tržec, Fate of Jewish Art Works in Zagreb during and after World War II, Slovenian Jewish Heritage, International Conference, Jeruzalem, 2019.
Iva Pasini Tržec, KOMZA - The Commission for Gathering and Protection of Cultural Monuments and Antiquities (1945-1954), TransCultAA Zagreb Study Day, Zagreb, 2019.
Bartol Fabijanić, Art Acquisitions by the Strossmayer Gallery after World War II, presentation of PhD research, TransCultAA Zagreb Study Day, Zagreb, 2019.
Ivan Ferenčak, Ante Topić Mimara’s Multifaceted Roles in Transferring Artworks across Borders, TransCultAA Zagreb Study Day, Zagreb, 2019.
Ljerka Dulibić, Italian-Croatian art market relations, The Fascist Art Market before, during and after the Rome-Berlin Axis, Loveno di Menaggio, 2019.
Ljerka Dulibić, Transnational Joint Research Approach to the Provenance: New Expectations and Old Challenges, The Terezín Declaration - Ten Years After. 7th International Conference on the confiscation, thefts and transfers of works of art and on the restitution of these assets organized by the Documentation Centre for Property Transfers of Cultural Assets of WW II Victims, Prag, 2019.
Ljerka Dulibić, Presentation of the project TransCultAA: Transfer of Cultural Objects in the Alpe Adria Region in the 20th Century, Material Feelings: Population Displacement and Property Transfer in Modern Europe and Beyond, Leipzig, 2018.
TransCultAA Zagreb Study Day, Knjižnica HAZU, Zagreb, 25. rujna 2019.
Provenance, why does it matter? Provenance, Dispossession and Translocation Research, TransCultAA Summer School, Sveučilište u Zadru, 27.-31. kolovoza 2018. (u suradnji s Antonijom Mlikotom)
Radionice o istraživanju provenijencije, Muzejski dokumentacijski centar, Zagreb 2018., Šibenik 2019. (u suradnji s Antonijom Mlikotom i Ivom Validžijom)
TransCultAA istraživanja u Strossmayerovoj galeriji, dokumentarni kratkometražni film, u produkciji Zoethrope, filmskog i medijskog edukacijsko-istraživačkog centra (direktor i redatelj Gordan Sirotić, financiran posebnom potporom u okviru programa HERA KE (Knowledge Exchange)
Strossmayerova galerija starih majstora HAZU do daljnjega je zatvorena za posjetitelje zbog posljedica potresa.
Katalog je financiran sredstvima Gradskog ureda za kulturu Grada Zagreba 2021. godine te sufinanciran sredstvima Hrvatske zaklade za znanost u okviru projekta IP-2020-02-1356 Istraživanje provenijencije umjetnina u zagrebačkim zbirkama (ZagArtColl_ProResearch, 2021. - 2024.)